google voice search

美 [ˈɡuːɡl vɔɪs sɜːrtʃ]英 [ˈɡuːɡl vɔɪs sɜːtʃ]
  • 网络语音搜索
google voice searchgoogle voice search
  1. Nick says Google Voice Search appears to have better understanding of what he 's talking about , and can answer questions better .


  2. Google Voice Search on Jelly Bean is starting late , but its quality advantage from all that learning beforehand is what makes it better in the early days .


  3. Google Voice Search has all the hallmark traits of other Google services .


  4. It is still early days , but if you 're thinking about which side will win in the battle between Apple 's Siri and Google Voice Search , consider the lesson of spell check .


  5. That is probably why Google Voice Search , in its Siri-like manifestation in the new Jelly Bean version of the Android operating system , appears to be winning the heart of my colleague Nick Bilton .


  6. If Google is better , it is most likely because it has roots in a product Google introduced in 2007 , called Google-411 , or Google Local Voice Search .
